You’ll also find this GIF on the About Me page. Actually, I made this quick GIF (in 2-3 hours) just to put it there (hence the unusual aspect ratio, and no audio) to showcase how the 12 principles (in this case just 6) can transform a simple animation. But then I thought I could make a quick time-lapse and add it to my portfolio. It’s not the most complex animation I’ve done for sure but I really liked the Timelapse so I decided to add it. It’s also a perfect loop. I even re-animated the textures to achieve that.
It took roughly 2 hours to make the video, and 4 hours to get it to work well on the site (apparently. I’m no web developer). I can’t believe I’m gonna say this, but I think I’m starting to like the dreaded WebP format. I hope I don’t get banished from the motion graphics community for this. But WebPs are actually AMAZING. it’s like a JPEG but with higher quality, lower file size, animation, and transparency support. It’s next-level amazing.